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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Nepali (Devnagari) Typing Guide

Seemingly confused keys combination is the drawback of Devnagari Typing in Computer via Keyboard. For the convenient learning of Nepali typing, this blog publishes the best Nepali Letters' chart which will ensure the progressive typing within few days after the regular use of it.

Click the image, enlarge it and save it in your Permanent storage media.
Nepali Typing Guide Chart

To save:
Click the Image
After the optimum size, right click and select the Save Image option.

Then ensure the file on the location you prefer. 

Thank You!


  1. malai nepali front type garda jaile pani Box jasto aaucha sabai words chai nepali ma ramro sangai aaucha but jaba ' click garchu box aaucha like khanu (खान’) yesto aaucha any suggestion please help

    1. tapaiko kura maile pura bujna sakina....yedi yo samasya Microsoft Word ma ho vane Auto Correct Options bata jana par6 ??

      will you please elaborate it more?


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