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Monday, July 11, 2011

Facebook, the basic things of life

The tremendous increment of Facebook users in the world, has symbolized something interesting and possible in the very near future. The possibility is nothing other than Facebook to be added as the basic things of life. 

The statistics shows almost all the school children are the part of Facebook in this digital world. Furthermore, a person for recreation, black mailing, fun, networking, etc wants to add more Facebook account. This has resulted the multiple Facebook account of a single user. In the past, E-mail was thought to be the best mean of communication in Internet, but nowadays, millions of users are found online in every second even after midnight, before morning in the social networking site, Facebook. Almost all the domains have added Facebook share and like buttons in their every posts. Even the news-reader, students, social worker, etc are obtaining breaking news faster in Facebook than any other media. 
The complexity of Twitter has given plus point for Facebook to earn more users for its easiness and privacy.  The data also shows the world population to be covered in social networking sites in very near future. This type of situation will add both plus and minus point in the world. Both miserable and admirable situation can be brought by the cause. 

Anyway, the using and increasing trend of Facebook account will undoubtly led Facebook as the Basic Things of most of the people in coming years. 


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